Here are a few beauty tricks that will make you look younger with just a sweep of a blush brush or mascara wand.
1. Keep your hair between your chin and your shoulders. Side-swept bangs and hair no longer than your shoulders will take off years. Find out why in this article on the most flattering haircuts on women.
2. Wrong lipstick shades can age you Another trick to looking younger is to steer clear of brown lipstick shades. Avoid matte lipstick as they tend to settle into your lip lines. Instead, try creamier lipsticks or glosses. (Glosses are especially youthful and make your lips appear bee-stung).
4. Define those eyes Curled lashes immediately make eyes "pop." One tip I love I learned from the editors of Allure: You can curl your lashes AFTER mascara application, just make sure the mascara has dried. I find lining my eyes helps make my somewhat tiny eyes look 10 times larger. I rarely leave the house now without mascara.
5. Don't overpluck Once you hit your 30s, you'll want to be careful not to overpluck your eyebrows since brows are less apt to grow back if you excessively pluck. Find out what you can do to fix overplucked brows.
6. Try teeth whitening Over time, teeth may yellow from coffee, tea or red wine stains. You can whiten teeth quickly with over-the-counter products such as Crest Whitestrips.
7. Stand up straight. Think about all the sexy women you know. They stand up straight and confidently. Not only will this make you look ten pounds thinner in seconds, it will make you look five years younger as well.
8. Get a good night's sleep Few things age you overnight more than a poor night's sleep. Your eyes are puffy, your skin sallow and dull and your face sags
By Julyne Derrick,
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