Monday, March 11, 2013
Hair Extensions Look So Real, How Do They Work?
Celebrities such as Jessica Simpson and Paris Hilton have popularized hair extensions in the past, with Jessica going so far as to go into the extension business with her best friend and hairstylist Ken Paves (see their Website here).
Prices run anywhere from $10 for a single extension to $2,000 for a full head of not-your-own-yet-still-human hair. Visit for a list of salons and to see before and after shots.
Don't want extensions glued to your own hair? Clip-ons made from human or synthetic hair (Ken and Jessica's line includes hair made from Vibralite fiber) let you flirt with a new look without committing to it. Popular brands include by Hair U Wear and Easihair.
Clip-ons are easier to use and don't require professional application. You simply slip them in just below the crown, while keeping top layers out of the way with clips. Because they are do-it-yourself, clip-ons are cheaper than the more permanent version. For an idea of prices or to buy now, check out Jessica and Ken's extensions here.
By Julyne Derrick,
My Hair is Falling Out? How Much Is OK?
Before you go to the doctor worried about a major vitamin deficiency, take deep breaths. Hair loss is typically normal, especially in the fall months. Why? Read on.
Everyone loses between 40 and 120 strands a day, depending on how much hair you have, your age and your hair's growth cycle. People with fine hair tend to have more of it and therefore will lose more of it than their thicker-haired sisters and brothers. Your hair also thins as you get older, particularly after menopause for women. But unlike aging men, the thinning tends to stop after awhile.
1. Seasonality.
You'll lose the most hair in the fall -- typically November and December when hair reaches maturity in its growth cycle.
2. Anemia.
I know of at least two women whose hair started falling out. Blood tests showed both women were anemic. According to dermatologist George Cotsarelis, M.D., director of the University of Pennsylvania Hair and Scalp Clinic, iron deficiency is a common cause of hair loss. The Mayo Clinic reports about 20 percent of women suffer from an iron deficiency.
3. Aging.
Marc Avram, MD, a Manhattan hair transplantation specialist, told Elle Magazine, "As we get older, follicles shrink, producing skinnier, shorter strands; then the follicles start to die off. That rate and the extent of that process is a matter of genetics."
3. Pregnancy
Some women experience hair loss with pregnancy or as part of post-pregnancy hormonal changes. Other women experience hair loss when going on or off (usually off) the birth control pill.
4. Illness or intense stress Sometimes hair loss occurs as a result of illness. Stress, excessive weight loss, iron deficiency and thyroid problems can also cause hair loss.
If you're really worried, ask your doctor, however, experts say you really only need to worry if your part is getting wider or you can see your scalp through your hair. For severe cases, you might consult a "trichologist," a physician who specializes in hair loss.
By Julyne Derrick,
How to Give a Great Massage.
The benefits of massage are extraordinary, so much so the "Attachment Parenting" recommends parents give their infants and children massages. Olympians swear by them. Doctors recommend them. I try to get a massage at least twice a month.
Since massages can be pricey, I strongly recommend you and your partner learn how to give yourself massages. They relieve stress, bring you closer to your family member and allow you to do something nice for someone you love. Here are some tips on how to give a killer massage.
Take a Couples Massage Class
You can learn basic massage techniques in a massage class. Bring along your partner so you can both learn the tricks necessary to give a relaxing massage. Find a class through your local college or adult ed programs provided by the city by searching for "couples massage, (insert your city here)" via Google or Bing.
How to GET a Great Massage
So what if you don't want to do your own massages and you want to just get them? I've received dozens (and I mean dozens) of massages over the years and I've had a lot of good ones, a couple "meh" ones and a few amazing ones. So what makes a great massage? Find out in What Makes a Spa Massage Good? and get the scoop on the various types of massages you can get in a spa. You'll learn the difference between Swedish, shiatsu, sports and rolfing as well as many other types of massage.
Julyne Derrick,
How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes
One mistake so many of us make is we forget to regularly clean our makeup brushes and tools. When you invest so much money in brushes, eyelash curlers and powder puffs, it's important to protect your investment. Here, I show you how exactly to do that.
How to Clean Makeup Brushes
I strongly recommend investing in a few nice makeup brushes and then taking very good care of them by washing them monthly or every 2 weeks if you're Type A or a germaphobe (I'm not). Oils, dirt and makeup get trapped in brushes and will break down the bristles over time, so washing them actually preserves them. See my list of the best makeup brushes.
Here's how to clean makeup brushes correctly:
Remove excess color from bristles by wiping them back and forth on a paper towel.
Immerse bristles in a warm bowl of water, being careful not to immerse the metal casing, known as the "ferrule." Bristles are glued to the base and you want to avoid getting the glue wet. You can also wet bristles by running them under warm water just enough to get dampen the bristles.
Squeeze a few drops of mild shampoo (baby shampoo works great, too) into the palm of your hand. Swirl the brush into your palm, being careful not to rough up the bristles too much. You can also put a few drops of detergent in the bowl of water and swirl the brushes in there instead of using the palm of your hand.
Hold the brush, bristles down, under running water until the water runs clear.
Gently squeeze out excess water. Reshape bristles and let the brushes dry hanging over the edge of your sink overnight. You can also place them on a towel, but I find airdrying over the sink works best because it doesn't mess up the shape of the bristles.
I find natural brushes take about 24 hours to dry, so I have 2 of every brush so I don't have to go without makeup. For a quick fix, or while traveling, you can wash brushes with baby wipes or spritz bristles with makeup remover and wipe off on a paper towel.
How to Store Makeup Brushes
It's best to store makeup brushes upright in a holder or in a makeup case (sort of like the cases chefs use to transport their expensive knives). Never place brushes bristles down in a holder or you risk damaging the shape of the brush and the bristles themselves.
How to Clean Makeup Sponges
I love using sponges for foundation application, but have always wondered if you can wash them and how often they should be washed. Turns out high quality sponges can be washed many times in a solution of baby shampoo (mild shampoo or Ivory soap works too) and water. Cheapie disposable sponges can be washed a few times as well before they fall apart.
Eyelash curlers come with rubber pads that will last quite a long time before they fall apart and need to be replaced. Typically curlers come with replacement pads, but you can usually pick them up from any drugstore or beauty supply store.
How to Clean Tweezers
Tweezers can be cleaned with soap and water. The main problem with tweezers is they become dull wit use. That's why I buy only Tweezerman tweezers, which come with a lifetime sharpening policy. Once they become dull, you simply ship them to the company, they sharpen them and return them to you.See How To Shape Your Eyebrows
How to Clean Powder Puffs
If you've invested in a nice pricey powder puff, you can handwash it using mild shampoo and warm water. Let powder puff dry on a towel overnight after squeezing out excess water. Makeup artist Bobbi Brown also suggests throwing the powder puff in the top rack of a dishwasher, which sounds a bit harsh to me.
By Julyne Derrick,
Look Younger in Just 8 Simple Steps
Here are a few beauty tricks that will make you look younger with just a sweep of a blush brush or mascara wand.
1. Keep your hair between your chin and your shoulders. Side-swept bangs and hair no longer than your shoulders will take off years. Find out why in this article on the most flattering haircuts on women.
2. Wrong lipstick shades can age you Another trick to looking younger is to steer clear of brown lipstick shades. Avoid matte lipstick as they tend to settle into your lip lines. Instead, try creamier lipsticks or glosses. (Glosses are especially youthful and make your lips appear bee-stung).
4. Define those eyes Curled lashes immediately make eyes "pop." One tip I love I learned from the editors of Allure: You can curl your lashes AFTER mascara application, just make sure the mascara has dried. I find lining my eyes helps make my somewhat tiny eyes look 10 times larger. I rarely leave the house now without mascara.
5. Don't overpluck Once you hit your 30s, you'll want to be careful not to overpluck your eyebrows since brows are less apt to grow back if you excessively pluck. Find out what you can do to fix overplucked brows.
6. Try teeth whitening Over time, teeth may yellow from coffee, tea or red wine stains. You can whiten teeth quickly with over-the-counter products such as Crest Whitestrips.
7. Stand up straight. Think about all the sexy women you know. They stand up straight and confidently. Not only will this make you look ten pounds thinner in seconds, it will make you look five years younger as well.
8. Get a good night's sleep Few things age you overnight more than a poor night's sleep. Your eyes are puffy, your skin sallow and dull and your face sags
By Julyne Derrick,
Wedding Hairstyles 2013: 20 Amazing Updos Inspired by the Red Carpet
Spring Wedding Flowers in Season ( March, April, and May)
Spring weddings are an occasion to highlight the feminine side of floral arrangements, as many of these seasonal flowers are known for their fragrance and pastel colors. You can go contemporary or traditional with these flowers, as the range of form and texture give florists much to work with.
1. Columbine
As a native wildflower, columbine blooms look at home in mixed bouquets and casual wedding flower arrangements. Flowers may be single or double, and many varieties feature attractive spurs that give the blooms an unusual shape. In spite of their delicate appearance, columbines have a long vase life, lasting a week to 10 days without wilting. The most common colors available in the trade include purple, pink, red, blue, and bi-colors.
2. Forsythia
Forsythia bushes grow clusters of vivid yellow flowers along woody stems that stand erect in a vase or urn. The flowers form before the leaves, so there won’t be any greenery to distract from the sunny blooms. Forsythia stems work better in large ceremony or reception arrangements rather than in bouquets.
3. Foxglove
4. Freesia
Freesia flowers sport many fragrant blooms along a single stem, in pink, white, purple, orange, red, or yellow. The arching stems and satiny blooms work well in bridal bouquets and corsages. The language of flowers tells us that these South African natives symbolize trust and innocence, a fitting expression for your wedding day.
5. Hyacinth
These fragrant flowering bulbs bear spikes of pink, white, yellow, purple, red, or blue flowers on stocky six-inch stems. Brides who desire blue flowers but want the real thing, not tinted blooms, should consider hyacinths. The blue variety is a clear, sky-blue, without a hint of pink or purple.
6. Lilac
Lilac flowers are highly fragrant blooms that grow in sprays of tiny blossoms in shades of purple, red, and white. The flowers have a rich heritage as a Victorian favorite, and are suitable for using in vintage style weddings. The flower clusters of lilacs add mass to large arrangements, and texture to wedding bouquets.
7. Lily of the Valley
Although some gardeners may shun lily of the valley plants for their invasive qualities, the flowers are highly prized in wedding arrangements. Also called Our Lady’s Tears, these waxy flowers emit a powerful fragrance for their dainty size. Lily of the valley flowers would get lost in a large arrangement, so florists mostly use the white or pink blooms as fillers in bouquets.
8. Peony
If there’s a reason to choose a springtime wedding date, it’s the availability of the popular peony blossom. The white, pink, garnet, or red flowers have a high petal count that makes a few blooms go a long way in any wedding arrangement. The fragrant flowers represent a happy life and a happy marriage, good karma for any bride to have on her wedding day.
9. Poppy
If you aren’t swept away by all of the Easter egg hues of many spring flowers, ask your florist to incorporate some poppies into your wedding arrangements. The red blossoms with black centers make a strong statement in a monochromatic bouquet.
10. Stock
Scented stock blooms aren’t the most showy wedding flowers, but they are richly fragrant. Many florists add a few stems of stock to arrangements that feature flowers with little or no fragrance, like calla lilies, ranunculus, or orchids.
By Jamie McIntosh
Skin Care: Cleansing, Moisturizing and Anti-Aging Tips
To keep your face looking as youthful as possible, you need to proper skin care. Here I show you how to properly cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize your skin while never leaving the house without at least 30 SPF sunscreen.
The Basic 4-Step Skincare Regimen
Step 1: Cleansing
Simple is key here. You need to find a good cleanser that your skin responds well to, and stick with it: See the best cleansers for your skin type.
You can find a good cleanser at the drugstore. There's no need to spend $40 on a fancy wash. Avoid bar soaps as they tend to dry out the skin. According to Rona Berg, in her book, "Beauty," a French cosmetics executive once told her, "Soap should only ever touch your skin from the neck down." I agree. Choose a creamy cleanser if you have dry skin or a clear cleanser if you have oily skin.
Be careful not to cleanse too often, you risk over-cleansing skin, see signs you are over cleansing your skin. You really only need to wash your face at night to remove makeup and sunscreen, which can clog pores. If you have dry skin, consider cold cream like Pond's, which the French use or make your own organic cold cream using this simple cold cream recipe. Simply apply cream, then wipe off, no water needed (if you have hard water, it can be especially harsh on skin). Most women prefer the water method: Use warm water to loosen dirt and clogged pores. Use a dime-sized bit of cleanser, then rinse with cool or lukewarm water. I personally swear by my Clarisonic Mia, as does pretty much everyone I know who has one.
Make sure to remove eye makeup with a proper makeup remover. The area around the eye is delicate so don't pull or rub too hard. You can also use olive oil as a natural eye makeup remover. Find out more in Use Olive Oil as an Eye Makeup Remover.
In the morning, a splash of lukewarm water is all you need (I find it's great for removing excess oils from your nightly moisturizing). Never wash your face with hot or cold water (both can cause broken capillaries).
Step 2: Exfoliate
Exfoliation is the step most people skip in their weekly skincare routine. But trust me, if you start properly exfoliating your skin, you will notice an almost immediate difference. According to Berg, one of the reasons men's skin looks more youthful than women's is because men tend to exfoliate daily when they shave.
In my article, How to Exfoliate, I share all my tips and tricks to proper exfoliation. Including why you should throw out the loofah.
There are several exfoliating options that I use weekly. Here are my favorites:
A facial scrub. You can buy a great scrub or make your own. I prefer sugar scrubs to salt ones, but it's just a matter of preference. See my list of the best facial scrubs or try out a recipe using brown sugar and coconut oil in Make a Face & Body Scrub With Sugar and Oil.
A washcloth. Put a dab of cleanser and a sprinkle of white refined sugar on a damp washcloth and massage skin in a circular motion. After a quick rinse, any sign of dead skin is erased. If you have dry skin, try extra virgin coconut oil.
Microdermabrasion. You can buy microdermabrasion kits. I have and found quite a few I like. See my list of the best facial scrubs and microdermabrasion kits.
Chemical peels. In the hour it takes to get a chemical peel, you can take a year from your face. Can't afford the price tag for a monthly peel? Try some over-the-counter peels that work over the course of a month. I prefer MD Skincare's.
Retinoids. Retinoids (such as Retin-A or the more moisturizing Renova) also work by removing the top layer of dead skin cells while also generating collagen in the skin. "Collagen is the skin's structural fiber," dermatologist Dennis Gross said in O Magazine. "As we get older, it breaks down, creating lines and large pores." Skincare experts disagree on all sorts of things, but most of them consider retinoids to be a miracle skin saver. I'm addicted to Retin-A, which I pick up in Mexico on my yearly jaunts.
Should you use a toner? Some people swear by toners, but many beauty experts do not (I once read a skincare expert claim, "toners are only for copy machines"). Toners are meant to remove all remaining traces of oil, makeup and dirt, but a good cleanser should do this. I firmly believe it's up to you. If you like the way your skin feels with a toner. Buy it. Use it. Enjoy it.
Step 3: Moisturize
While I know of at least one famous beauty editor who swore skin doesn't need moisturizer, basically everyone else I've read disagrees and is an adamant believer in it. A basic rule of beauty is that if you have dry skin, you should invest in a basic moisturizer. So how much should you moisturize? Your skin will tell you. When your skin is tight, it's crying out for moisture. Be careful not to over-moisturize -- this can clog pores.
Are eye creams necessary? Well maybe. Some beauty experts strongly recommend eye creams. Why? The skin around the eye contains no fatty tissue and is therefore very thin and susceptible to wrinkles. Special eye creams are formulated to "thicken" this area. Yet other experts (including the beauty editors of Allure in their new book) claim your daily lotion works around the eyes just as well.
Step 4: Apply Sunscreen
The #1 cause of wrinkles is sun damage, so it's important to use a sunscreen of at least 30 SPF from your early years on even in winter and on cloudy days. A great trick is to purchase two moisturizers: One for night and one for day that includes UV protection. Don't use moisturizers with sunscreen at night, the ingredients are not meant to be used 27/7 and can aggravate skin. When choosing a sunscreen, make sure it contains Mexoryl (found in my favorite sunscreen La-Roche Posay) or Helioplex, found in Neutrogena products.
By Julyne Derrick
Friday, March 8, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
Sweet Tart Champagne Cocktail - Valentines Day
call for champagne! Toast Valentine's Day with a special champagne cocktail,
the Sweet Tart. Pink, fun and festive, you will fall in love at first sip.
Served at the Stone Rose Lounge at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess in
Scottsdale, Arizona.
1 ½ oz.
Stoli Raspberry
1 oz.
Simple Syrup
1 oz. Fresh
Lemon Juice
1 bar spoon
full of Strawberry Jam
ingredients to a Shaker Glass. Shake well and strain into a martini glass. Fill
the rest with Champagne. Garnish with a lemon.
By Judy
Have A Romantic Valentine's Day In New York
Day may be an overly pink, Hallmark-perpetuated hypefest, but it's also a great
excuse for a night of unabashed romance. Make your sweetheart feel special with
a fabulous New York Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day Gifts
Flowers are
a sure bet to impress the ladies. Check out Flowers of the World for truly
unique arrangements that she won't forget. But in this economy, it truly is the
thought that counts, so a modest bodega bouquet and a heartfelt note will do
just as well.
Gifts from
the Apple store will wow dates of any gender. Why not load his iPod with
romantic songs chosen just for him from iTunes? Or spend a little more and
spring for a new iPad or iPod and get free laser engraving of your personal
message and free signature gift wrapping.
Turn up the
heat this Valentine's Day with some sexy toys from The Pleasure Chest. Who
needs flowers when you can give your Valentine a gift that keeps on giving?
Arrange a
special adventure for your Valentine through Great American Days.
Romantic New York Valentine's Day Outing
Ride in Central Park -- The picturesque carriage ride in Central Park is not
just for tourists and romantic-comedy heroines. Snuggle under a blanket with
your sweetie in the moonlight. Canoodle to the clop-clop of horse's hooves as
you view the city from a more romantic perspective.
The Scenic
New York Kiss -- Enjoy a memorable kiss on Valentine's Day in one of the city's
most romantic locations. There's the top of the Empire State Building, naturally,
where you can make like Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr (or Tom Hanks and Meg
Ryan). Also included in a recent Daily News list of the best kissing spots in
New York are the Rockefeller Center Skating Rink, The Cloisters, Central Park,
and the Brooklyn Bridge. Just try to keep it PG-13 until you get home.
By Pamela
Top 6 Valentine Gifts For Her
Is there a
woman alive who wouldn't like to receive a romantic little something on
Valentine's Day, chosen by someone she cares about. Here is a list just in case
you are having trouble choosing something... perfect!
1) Roses
Trust me...
nothing will impress a woman more than a bouquet of roses. Here is a selection
to peruse ranging from one single rose, to a dozen and EVERYTHING in between.
2) Heart
really romantic possibility. Lots of price ranges to meet any budget.
in a heart shaped box. Does it get any more romantic than that? The $135.00 box
caught my eye, but relax, there are boxes at every price range. :)
4) Lingerie
Gain some
brownie points by picking something that you would love to see her in. The best
way I know to let her know that you still find her gorgeous.
These are
the most popular fragrances of the moment. You won't go wrong if you close your
eyes and choose any one from the list. (Personally, Angel is my favorite.)
6) Women's
You can
never own too many watches. Some of these are absolutely stunning!
Shirley Bragg,
Make a Wedding Bouquet
Bouquet Supplies
You will
- roses or flowers of your choice
- flower cutters
- ribbon
- a few straight sewing pins
- a clean vase
- room temperature water
- floral food antibacterial
- floral tape
- Clear Set, or hairspray if none is available
Wedding Bouquet Flowers
Choose your
roses carefully – a rose in the bud stage with unblemished petals and straight
stems are best. Pick flowers that complement your wedding colors. They do not
have to be a direct match.
Trim and
Prepare the Flowers
Cut 1 inch
from the bottom of each stem and remove all of the leaves, thorns, and
greenery. Place the flowers into a clean vase with room temperature water and
plant food antibacterial– leave the flowers in the vase for 4 hours to become
fully hydrated.
Form the
Wedding Bouquet
To form the
bouquet, begin with the most opened flower as your center point and place three
flowers around the edges of the center flower. Tape the stems of the first four
flowers with your floral tape. Use the same binding point at all times.
Place the
next three flowers in the spaces left between the flowers. Tape the stems
together, squeeze them, and repeat this process until you have achieved the
required size of your bouquet. I have used 18 flowers in this bouquet that I
have made.
Wrap the
Flower Stems
Once all of
your stems are taped together, wrap the stem of the arrangement with a
non-wired ribbon that goes along with your wedding party. Make sure to cover
all of the floral tape. Go all the way down, see if you need extra coverage,
and possibly work your way back up.
Secure the
ribbon with the ball headed straight pins at the bottom and the top of the
ribbon. Place pins in upward, pushing them towards the top of the flowers.
Once all of
your stems are taped together, cut the bottoms of the stems, leaving enough room
for approximately a fist and a half measurement.
Spray the
Wedding Bouquet
To keep the
arrangement looking fresh, spray your arrangement with Crowning Glory or clear
hairspray if you have any. This is the perfect wedding bouquet to make your day
Wedding Flower Shapes
Pick the
Best Flowers for Your Wedding Flower
the diversity of flower shapes can help brides communicate with their florists
about the best flower choices for their bouquets and wedding arrangements.
Learn to categorize flowers into these eight basic shapes, discover the best
way to incorporate certain shapes into arrangements, and review examples of
each flower shape.

1. Circular
Flower Shapes
symmetrical flowers are adaptable for all types of wedding flower arrangements.
You can add daisies to a mixed flower centerpiece for a fresh, simple look, or
you can create a monochromatic bridal bouquet out of hot pink gerbera daisies
that looks very contemporary.
- Anemone
- Daisy
- Gerbera
- Sunflower
2. Dome
Flower Shapes
Dome shaped
flowers can be large or small, but they serve well as focal points in a wedding
flower arrangement because of their dense flower heads. Dome shaped flowers
with many small florets, like hydrangeas, can be a feature flower in a small
bridesmaid’s bouquet with the addition of only a few roses or some greenery.
- Celosia
- Hydrangea
- Chrysanthemum

3. Flat
Topped Flower Shapes
umbrella shaped flowers consist of many tiny flowers atop short stalks that
form large clusters. Flat-topped flowers have a lacy appearance that makes them
ideal for weddings with a romantic, vintage look. Brides who want hand-tied
bouquet may consider adding some flat-topped flowers to aid in development of
the round, domed shape characteristic of this bouquet.
- Queen Anne’s Lace
- Trachellium
- Yarrow
4. Globe
Flower Shapes
Large globe
shaped flowers, like allium, don’t combine well with other flower shapes and
work best in minimalist ceremony or reception arrangements. Brides can have fun
tucking the unusual craspedia flower into their bouquets for a playful element,
or creating a tropical theme with proteas.
- Allium
- Craspedia
- Protea
- Thistle
5. Rosette
Flower Shapes
shaped flowers include the most popular and traditional wedding flowers, loved
by all brides for their lush look and versatility. You can use rosette flowers
throughout your wedding arrangements and bouquets, as they combine well with
other flowers, come in a wide range of hues, and can feature in traditional or
contemporary designs.
- Carnation
- Dahlia
- Peony
- Ranunculus
- Rose

6. Spear Flower Shapes
Spear shaped
flowers sport clusters of many individual medium to large flowers growing on
short stems at the end of a long stalk. The structural drama spear shaped
flowers provide make them a must for large wedding ceremony or reception
arrangements. These flowers also provide the foundation for most arm sheaf, or
presentation bridal bouquets, which the bride carries cradled in her arm.
- Delphinium
- Gladiolus
- Liatris
- Lupine
- Orchid
7. Spire
Flower Shapes
shaped flowers differ from spears in that many flowers grow at the end of a
stalk, but the flowers are without stems, which gives them a spiky appearance.
These flowers are welcome additions in posy wedding bouquets, breaking up the
tidy dome shape of the bouquet and giving it interest.
- Hyacinth
- Lavender
- Lily-of-the-Valley
- Scented Stock
- Veronica
8. Spray
Flower Shapes
shaped flowers offer the bride branching stems with many flowers, making them
suitable as filler flowers in bouquets and table arrangements. Wedding flowers
with many spray shaped flowers tend to have an informal look.
- Freesia
- Lily
- Lisianthus
- Spray Rose
- Wedding Flower Arrangements
By Jamie
Business etiquette doesn’t have to be complicated.
Business etiquette doesn’t have to be
complicated. But there are certainly some bad manners that can be easily
avoided at business meetings and events, including seminars, conferences,
business meals or cocktail receptions.
1. Failing to respond to the RSVP.
2. Failing to follow the dress code.
3. Failing to arrive on time.
4. Failing to extend the correct handshake.
5. Failing to introduce new people to those
around you.
6. Failing to speak to appropriate topics.
7. Failing to yield respectful courtesies to
others at the event.
8. Failing to follow other business etiquette
Etiquette Mistakes at Business Events
Business etiquette doesn’t have to be
complicated. But there are certainly some bad manners that can be easily
avoided at business meetings and events, including seminars, conferences,
business meals or cocktail receptions.
1. Failing to respond to the RSVP.
2. Failing to follow the dress code.
3. Failing to arrive on time.
4. Failing to extend the correct handshake.
5. Failing to introduce new people to those
around you.
6. Failing to speak to appropriate topics.
7. Failing to yield respectful courtesies to
others at the event.
8. Failing to follow other business etiquette
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
La Jolla Ballroom, a Gem in the Heart of Coral Gables, will host the South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SFLHCC) monthly luncheon on January 25 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. The SFLHCC promotes the continued growth and development of the Hispanic business community and serves as a resource center and forum to advocate for Hispanic and Minority owned businesses.
La Jolla Ballroom is a new and elegant venue ideal for corporate or social events. With over 20 years of experience, you can have a peace of mind knowing they will take care of every detail of your event such as a gourmet menu, unlimited open premium bar, flowers, linens, decoration, DJ, and much more.
Come network and promote your business. For more information about the luncheon, please call SFLHCC (305) 534-1903.
Contact: Lorgia McCane
Telephone: 786-897-2468
La Jolla Ballroom is located at 301 Alcazar Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33134.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
10 Best Diet Tips Ever
Diet Tip No. 1:
Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.
People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. So you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really what you need.
If you don't like plain water, try adding citrus or a splash of juice, or brew infused teas like mango or peach, which have lots of flavor but no calories.
Diet Tip No. 2:
Think about what you can add to your diet, not what you should take away.
Start by focusing on getting the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
You're also less likely to overeat because fruits and vegetables displace fat in the diet. And that's not to mention the health benefits of fruits and vegetables. More than 200 studies have documented the disease-preventing qualities of phytochemicals found in produce, says Pansiero.
Her suggestion for getting more: Work vegetables into meals instead of just serving them as sides on a plate.
Diet Tip No. 3:
Consider whether you're really hungry.
Whenever you feel like eating, look for physical signs of hunger, suggests Michelle May, MD, author of Am I Hungry?
"Hunger is your body's way of telling you that you need fuel, so when a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it," she says.
When you're done eating, you should feel better -- not stuffed, bloated, or tired.
Keeping your portions reasonable will help you get more in touch with your feelings of hunger and fullness.
Diet Tip No. 4:
Be choosy about nighttime snacks.
Mindless eating occurs most frequently after dinner, when you finally sit down and relax.
"Sitting down with a bag of chips or cookies in front of the television is an example of eating amnesia, where you mindlessly eat without being hungry, but out of habit," says American Dietetic Association spokesperson Malena Perdomo, RD.
Either close down the kitchen after a certain hour, or allow yourself a low-calorie snack, like a 100-calorie pack of cookies or a half-cup scoop of low-fat ice cream. Once you find that you're usually satisfied with the low-cal snack, try a cup of zero-calorie tea, suggests Perdomo.
Diet Tip No. 5:
Enjoy your favorite foods.
Instead of cutting out your favorite foods altogether, be a slim shopper. Buy one fresh bakery cookie instead of a box, or a small portion of candy from the bulk bins instead of a whole bag.
Diet Tip No. 6:
Enjoy your treats away from home.
When you need a treat, Ellie Krieger, RD, host of Food Network's Healthy Appetite, suggests taking a walk to your local ice cream parlor or planning a family outing.
And for those times you just can't get out? Krieger stocks her kitchen with fresh fruit, which she thinks can be every bit as delicious as any other dessert.
Tip No. 7:
Eat several mini-meals during the day.
If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. But when you're hungry all the time, eating fewer calories can be challenging.
She recommends dividing your daily calories into smaller meals or snacks and enjoying as many of them as you can early in the day -- dinner should be the last time you eat.
Diet Tip No. 8:
Eat protein at every meal.
Protein is more satisfying than carbohydrates or fats, and thus may be the new secret weapon in weight control.
Getting enough protein helps preserve muscle mass and encourages fat burning while keeping you feeling full. So be sure to include healthy protein sources, like yogurt, cheese, nuts, or beans, at meals and snacks.
Diet Tip No. 9:
Spice it up.
Add spices or chiles to your food for a flavor boost that can help you feel satisfied.
When you need something sweet, suck on a red-hot fireball candy for a long-lasting burst of sweetness with just a few calories.
Diet Tip No. 10:
Stock your kitchen with healthy convenience foods.
Having ready-to-eat snacks and meals-in-minutes staples on hand sets you up for success. You'll be less likely to hit the drive-through or call in a pizza order if you can make a healthy meal in 5 or 10 minutes.
Sass stocks her kitchen with:
94% fat-free microwave popcorn (20-25 calories per cup, and you can make it in two minutes or less)
Frozen vegetables
Bags of pre-washed greens
Canned diced tomatoes
Canned beans
Whole-grain wraps or pitas
Pre-cooked grilled chicken breasts
A few containers of pre-cooked brown rice
Within minutes, she can toss together a healthy medley.
Kiss January Diets Good-bye!
It's January. Does that mean you're once again in pursuit of that "magic" diet that is finally going to get you to goal weight? Take a minute to think about it: Haven't fad diets failed you in previous years? Why waste another year pegging your hopes on the "one" diet that will work; instead, start looking for simple ways to lose weight without dieting.
Many years ago, a coworker told me the best way to deal with something that seemed overwhelming or complex was to apply the "K.I.S.S. Principle" -- Keep It Simple, Smartie. Diets can be frustrating, confusing and difficult to apply to everyday life, making them anything but simple. So, if you're tired of trying diets, consider "keeping it simple" by making these permanent lifestyle changes:
Practice portion control.
By practicing sensible portion control on a daily basis, you can continue to have all of your favorite foods in moderation while losing weight.
Eat more fruits and veggies and whole grains.
These foods are nutritious and naturally low in calories.
Cut back on high-fat, high-cal foods that offer few or no nutrients.
Start by dividing your usual portions by half, or even a third, and then work your way down. (Going "cold turkey" often backfires by prompting a binge.)
Snack smarter by finding lower-calorie alternatives to your favorite snack foods. This may take a little trial and error, but it's worth it.
Read food labels on a regular basis.
They contain all the information you need to manage your portions, control your calories and improve your nutrition.
Find a way to become more active, even if it's a simple walk at your lunch break. Just 10 to 15 minutes a day can make a difference and is better than no activity. Working your way up a little at a time can help you create the habit of getting at least 30 minutes of exercise in a day within a matter of months.
Eat more fiber.
Fiber helps you feel fuller longer and keeps blood sugar level, which may help prevent overeating.
Drink more water.
Used as a replacement for sweetened drinks and juices, it's an easy way to cut calories and staying hydrated may help ease hunger pangs.
Start a food diary.
Keeping one is the only real way to get an accurate view of your eating habits.
Get enough sleep.
Research has shown that lack of sleep may be connected to weight gain; at the very least, fatigue can lead to overeating.
If you do decide to choose a diet, be on the lookout for red flags such as promising quick results, excluding exercise or requiring overly-restrictive eating plans. These types of diets are very hard to stick to and may even be harmful to your health. Understanding The Facts About Fad Diets will help you avoid them.
From Jennifer R. Scott
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